Thursday, July 16, 2020

Life has changed.

You know the more I grow older the more I realized how time really does fly.
This year 2020...a lot has changed.
I went into this year thinking it could be the best year of my life...I thought things were good. I knew we had to make a life changing decision mid year as our lease was coming to an end. I had to think about our next step. Was it purchasing a new place, renewing our lease, moving to EP?
I didn't put much thought into it back in January. Our main focus was going on vacation in February. For the first time in a long long time, I would visit family from both of my parents sides.
It was amazing...they were the best vacations of my life!! Honestly, I wish they would've lasted longer.
At that point dad was happy, he was not 100% but he felt fine. We went on our long overdue honeymoon, left my dad behind with his family. Came back home. Got to work. Then the pandemic came. Everything shut down. Things became slow, people scared, no place to go. I thought okay this is fine, we needed a break from our break anyway. My dad decided to come back. We picked him up and just 6 days later he passed away at home in our arms. I will never ever forget that day. He was okay in the morning, I checked his vitals, he was just okay but we thought we monitor him before dedicing to go to the hospital. He didn't have any symptoms of covid. But by 3PM he wasn't okay....he didn't complain, he didn't scream, he didn't cry...nothing..he just passed out in the bathroom on his walker. Seemed like he was going to get water, or wash his face. I can only imagine what  he was probably feeling... maybe that he was going to faint. His heart gave out, his body couldn't do it anymore. When I saw him, I thought he had just passed out. But he wasn't there anymore. I miss you papi. I wish I had more time with you.
My dad was in my plan of what to do when July 2020 came around.... we had to make the decision of our next home.
Now that we're here, I wonder would we be in a different position? Would we be moving to EP?  What if COVID was never a thing...would life be different? So many questions with no answers.
I just have to remember to life for today. Enjoy each and every breath I take.

Time flies, life is short.


Friday, January 26, 2018

New year hello

Sooooo here we are, is good.
I am happy and excited to be here!!
This year I want to focus on the now.

I have been busy lately..very...the market is crazy.

Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Now is the time

Here I am again, time has flown by. Another month around the corner to come. Its crazy, they say, how time goes by. I cherish every moment I live for I do not know whats next. I am happy. I am extremely grateful. I have so much to accomplish and so much to do. I do slow down because I cannot foresee the future. What is the point of stressing over things that haven't happened. I just work hard today to see the results tomorrow.


Saturday, February 4, 2017

Sitting next to a hospital bed

Such a beautiful day outside today, looking from this large hospital window in my dads room.
He is here again here. This time he fell and broke his elbow. Unfortunately, the elbow became infected and now he has to have surgery. So now we wait..wait and wait. Poor guy. He's been in the hospital about 7 times in the last year. He's strong, brave and still, in the midst of this situation, happy. I am proud to be his daughter. He is really one of a kind man, a man I thank God for.
I wish my brothers and sisters would be here giving him the support he needs.

Anyway, besides that. Life is good. Bae moved in! I am extreme excited and happy to share our home. I mean he basically already lived there but now its official. He moved his things and everything. I am ready for this new chapter in our lives. I am stoked to wake up next to him every day!!I am optimistic that this will help us grow in our relationship and continue on this awesome journey through whatever life throws at us, good or bad.

Work is ok. Could be busier but its good. I purchased my first car to flip. I have to wait for the title to come in but I think I can get half or more of what I invested in it. Its a 2005 Hyundai elantra with lots of miles but in good condition. lol. We shall see.

Ok, I think I am going to go back home for now and come back later once we know what time the surgery will be. Dad is falling asleep....

I have to do laundry and go grocery shopping so we can start meal prepping again. About that..I gained 15 pounds back from the 23 I lost a couple months ago...ahhhh..its ok..not going to beat myself up. I am just going to go back on track. I have my schedule set, I know what foods to eat, I know I will have good and bad days but its ok...I will make it a lifestyle. That's the goal.


Sunday, January 22, 2017

2017 2017 2017

HOOOOLY cow!!! Another year is here!!! 2016 was really was one of the best years of my life!! It was full of adventures, happiness and love lots of love. Of course,  I had my bad days. I had days I felt like giving up  but who doesn't. That's life. Anyway, let's talk about now.
Right now. We have a new president. All I can say is that God is in control. At this moment in life, I want to pursue my passions. I want to start writing again. I want to start taking photos again. I want to fall in love with nature and spend more time in it. Those are a few of my personal goals.
I also want to vlog/blog more. I want to find my niche when it comes to this side of things. I want to become more creative. I want to do so much!! Sometimes I don't even know where to start.
Every day is a new day!!


Friday, November 25, 2016

Day after Thanksgiving!

I am so full but I LOVE IT!!! Today I am taking the day off as much as I can. I am just going to relax & try not to worry about anything.
No black Friday shopping for me this year!!My head kinda hurts thinking about the stress of black Friday! NO thanks. However, I will be on the look out online for any good deals on things I like.
Like things for my office or planners :)

Anyway, last night was cool & pretty chill. We spent most of the night outside by the firepit just chatting & laughing. Good times & memories.

I am still working on planning my days out better.. you know.. getting up at a certain time, working out, eating, working, blogging, cleaning... etc etc....

BUT today is not the day for I will lay down in bed & do nothing!

Happy Thanksgiving 2016! I am thankful for life everyday.


Tuesday, November 8, 2016


What is up!?!?!  Long time!! Ok so it's almost the end of year! 2016!!!!! Today is also election day!!! We will have a new president today!! History will be made today...
It's scary to think what will happen next. I only hope God has mercy over us cuz honestly I do not know.
I am planning on vlogging...going to the store to get a new camera today. I also have Rich's gopro! I like the gopro, its just sometimes the wide angle is too much lol..defintely will use it though.
I need to stick with it this time... Its fun & I have time to do it.

Work is ok..this year was a bit slower than last. I need to focus on providing a good service for everyone.

Mmmm..I think that's all for today. I will start writing a list of topics to start blogging about again.
I think I want to include fitness, recipes & some fashion.
We will see how it goes.. :)


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