Tuesday, April 29, 2014
Still feels like Monday...
Anyway it was a great weekend! My youngest brother turned 16! 16!!!!!!!! Oh man it just makes me feel older. Can't believe how time flies. We had a family dinner for his birthday celebration on Sunday..let's just say it was a combination of awkwardness & laughter but it was nice. I love my crazy family!!
I also finally bought a dress..actually two dresses! One was only $6.99 & the other $10.99 at Ross!! Can't beat that anywhere!! Don't know which one to wear to the wedding but I will be taking both just in case. My week is a little slow right now, the housing inventory is a bit low for the current buyers I am working with so I haven't schedule any showing appointments as of today. I do have a walk-thru appointment later this afternoon though... but I ain't complain'!!
These tamales my dad brought me for lunch are making me sleepy..I think I am going to go take a 20 min nap in my car..that sounds so good! I haven't had midday naps since May of last year, I sure do miss them!!
Friday, April 25, 2014
Mmm...not sure how we got here so fast..my plan was to post on Wednesday but I honestly only remember working,sleeping, and working some more. This was a super busy week. I got two buyers into a home, I received 3 new buyer leads and I am working on getting about 8 people pre-qualified for a home loan. I am hoping that I can get another 2 or 3 into escrow before my trip next Friday...which reminds me I need to go shopping for a pretty dress tomorrow. My cousin is getting married in Phoenix! I am excited to get out of Vegas for a bit but not so stoked about sleeping in a hotel room with my mom, sister, brothers,grandma, aunts and uncle. LOL. I am also hoping we don't hit traffic on our way there, I can't stand sitting for more than 4 hours AND I'm the one driving since we're going in my car. I am sure I will blog all about it...
I try to take today off since I will be working on the weekend but it was impossible. I did some follow-up calls to a few past client's and updated some of my new leads. I need to send an offer as well but the Century 21 email is currently down for maintenance so I will have to work on that tomorrow morning. I have a buyer's appointment tomorrow morning and also a Javita Coffee and Tea party to attend tomorrow among errands that I need to take care of. We did take some time today to go watch Brick Mansion though. I liked it! I honestly wasn't to excited to watch it since it looked overwhelmed with slow-mo action clips and that's not really my thing but it was good. Of course, it was also a plus to watch Paul Walker! I almost teared at the end of the movie when they put a picture of Paul with the words 'In loving memory.'
Anyway, I really need to work on my schedule. I have been sleeping late and waking up later than I intend. This is what I want my schedule to look like:
Wake up- 6:30 AM
3 mile work-out-6:45 to 7:30 AM
Breakfast, shower & get ready-7:35 to 8:30 AM
Leave to office & arrive- 9:00 AM
Work- 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM (rarely done by 5...I usually have house showings around that time)
Oh have lunch every day at noon & dinner no later than 7:00 PM
Bed time- 10:00 PM
Yes, it's 11PM right now...I should be in bed...I am a mess..ugh..I guess I can at least follow thru with that schedule Monday-Thursday and treat myself to no specific schedule Friday-Sunday so I don't feel like every day is the same which I hate! I just need to get on track!!! I have several apps & organization methods that are helping me out and I plan on making myself accountable with them.. let's see how that goes!!!
Have a wonderful weekend!
PS. This wind is crazyyy!!
Monday, April 21, 2014
Let me introduce myself...
Hi, my name is Esther M. Garcia. I am 24 years old living in Las Vegas, NV since I was 5 years old. I am a full-time real estate agent, girlfriend, daughter, sister, aunt and I love it! I also have a love for photography which I plan to pursue once again. I have many goals and dreams that I thought I should start my own public blog and document as much as I can. I also plan to vlog here and there on my YouTube channel but of course I will post here as well. I am excited to document my journey as I turn 25 in August and for the rest of my life.
My plan is to post at least 3 times a week so stay tuned...
You can check out my social media if you would like to learn a little more about me..
www.esthermgarcia.com Facebook: www.facebook.com/realtoresther Twitter: www.twitter.com/realtoresther Instagram: @realtoresther
*Me taken by me a couple years ago. (Queen Studios is the name of my photography studio)