Wednesday, August 20, 2014

It's been a minute..again...

Well hello there! What is up?? I am excited to announce that things have changed for the best!
My finances are doing great, my family is good, my babe is working and happy, my dog is being a Bo like always. Everything is good. And! AND it will only get BETTER!

I finally have my schedule set, my every day to do it, my goals, my motivation on check! I'm ready.
The only difficultly at the moment is that we're still sharing one car. I mean it's not a big deal but it would be nice to have the liberty to drive anywhere at any time. Hopefully that will change in the next couple of months. No rush though.

Anyway I didn't forget about this blog. I have set some time twice a week to write on her and update it more often. I want to focus on my progress and change in  a positive way!!

Currently, I have  7 clients, 4 sellers and 3 buyers. Hopefully that increases in the next month. I think it will, wait, I mean, IT WILL! See what I did there... ;-)


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