Hello there.
It's me! Remember me? Well it has been an eventful week/end.
Let's start off with last Thursday. I wanted to write a review for Rachel's Kitchen and I didn't have time. All I can say is that it's good food. It tasted very healthy and delicious. I will def. try again. Here's what I got:
To go packaging |
Club 411 Sandwich, grilled chicken. |
Chicken & Rice soup..the best part! With lots of Veggies. | | | | | | |
I got home Thursday and made the chicken mole I had promise my amiga. Unfortunately, I didn't take any pics of the process :( It was late Thursday and I just wanted to finish. I gotta say, it wasn't exactly how I wanted it to turn out but it wasn't bad. I made white rice with it and ate it for lunch with my amiga on Friday. She liked it so that's all that matters really. Oh! She also announced that she got into the nursing program! So extremely proud of her and excited for her new journey!
On Saturday, I finally decided to go to the dentist. I've had this molar pain which we thought it was just a cavity. Turns out it was my wisdom tooth which did have a cavity. I didn't know my wisdom teeth came out! I ended up extracting both my top wisdom molars. I was a nervous wreck, especially being alone there. But it wasn't tooo bad, what suck the most was waiting forever. I got there at 10:30am and didn't leave til about 1. I wanted it to be over with. Here is a pic of my teeth. Not sure if I will remove my bottom wisdom teeth yet. No pain so I may not. I have a few cavity's I need to have filled so I am going back Feb 7 for that. Here's a pic of my teeth. Getting a cleaning as well :)
I sneaked this pic while in the chair..waiting.. | | |
Yesterday was fun. In the morning my mom, brother and I went over to my dad's apartment to have lunch. He made caldo de res. It was a bit hard for me to eat but I did it. Later that day, I went over Robert's parents house to watch the Colts & Patriots game. So its the Seahawks & Pats! I hope it'll be a fun and great game. I kinda want the Pat's to beat the Hawks, just because the Hawk's won last year. But if Seattle wins, I will happy too since they're reppin' the west coast :) Not sure what the plans are for Feb 1 but I am sure it will be filled with junk food ha.
Anyway. I am proud of myself for waking up at 5:45AM all last week and working out for 45 mins. This week, I gotta take it a bit slow because of my wisdom extraction but I will still be working out as much as I can.
Today, is MLK Day. Lot's of places are closed but I am catching up on real estate work. I got to go to the office in a bit and also meeting up with a seller. I may have to meet up with a buyer since we plan on closing this week. I also am planning an open house for this Saturday so I have to get ready for that. I am doing announcements and flyers.
I think that's it for today. Like I said in the title, too much information and catching up.