Sunday, January 4, 2015

Day 4.

So today started off lazy as heck. Robert watched 6 episodes of Nikita last night while I was sleeping. And of course I just had to catch up to him today. I watched all 6 episodes and now we're both on season 4! THE LAST SEASON EVER!! I honestly have never watched a tv show that gave me a headache..... caused by the suspense of each episode. My head wanted to explode a couple of times but I couldn't stop watching! I actually had mix feelings about this show today. I mean it's a good show but it seems like the story line keeps repeating itself. Get rid of Amanda already! I hate evil beeotches.  Ugh.

I had the left over pancakes for breakfast oh and also ate babes leftovers as well :) I am such a fatty! Oh well.

I cleaned the bathroom while watching the Cowboy/Lions game. No comment on that. Then I made myself taquitos (which sucked) and watched the original TMNT movie on Netflix. That movie is 1000093204093 times better than the one with Megan Fox. I took a little 20 minute nap somewhere in the  middle of it though. After, I turned the tv off and answered emails, did a bit of marketing for my current listings and updated a few files. I also just bought YAY!! and it was only $4!!! YAAAY! I am still working on getting it redirected to here. Should happen in the next couple of days :)

Babe just got home. I predict junk food for late dinner while we watch Total Divas!!! Yup. I am sure that's happening.

I do plan on going to bed by 11PM. I really want to start waking up at 6AM again and do my whole work out routine before work. Let's see how it goes. Monday's are so tough!

Here are a few NYE photos AND a video enjoy...

Walking 1.5 miles to the strip.
 Don't ask where we got this USA Flag from.
 We ended up at the NYNY parking garage.
 The little brotha.
 Fireworks in our faces.

 The brother & the galfriend.



PS. I am also doing Sunday blogs on my real estate website if you are interested. Visit

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